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Gus Tomlinson

Gus Tomlinson

Chief Product Officer at GBG
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Digital Identity Management

Collaboration: the secret sauce to fighting identity fraud

10 Jul 2024

Identity fraud has no respect for international or industry borders. It’s a constantly evolving, global issue impacting businesses across every industry and in every country around the world. More recently, the potentially devastating results of identity fraud have been highlighted by the increasingly sophisticated way fraudsters are operating. Th...

Digital Identity Management

What’s next for digital identity in 2024?

22 Jan 2024

From function to fun, the internet plays a central role in how many of us now carry out our daily lives. Convenience turned to habit and routine, and now Gen Z – the first generation to grow up with the internet as part of their daily lives – have surpassed Baby Boomers in the workforce, a generation required to adopt and adapt to new technology. ...