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Abe Karar

Abe Karar

Chief Product & Innovation Officer at Fintech Galaxy
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Online Banking

Open Banking and Open Finance Use Cases: Building Blocks of a Robust Open Financial Ecosystem

08 Feb 2023

The financial landscape is constantly transforming, verging the modern world closer to a digitally dominated future. SMEs, being the economy boosters, choose the approach to strive and develop in this new digital realm. The World Bank reports that SMEs represent 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. In the wake of a post-Cov...


Financial Inclusion

How inclusive is the concept of Financial Inclusion in the era of Open Banking/Finance

22 Aug 2022

Financial Inclusion is high on the global Open Banking/Finance agenda. Nevertheless, it seems to have failed to a certain extent to deliver on this metric in some jurisdictions worldwide. However, instead of criticizing, let's investigate some examples and highlight some key lessons learned. First, it's essential to understand that Financial Inc...