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Wassim Ghabali

Wassim Ghabali

Marketing Director at Fintech Galaxy
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Bio I am Fintech enthusiast holding the Marketing Director at Fintech Galaxy, a global platform that fuels open innovation in financial services, drives ecosystem collaboration and facilitates Open Banking API integration between Fintech startups/companies and financial institutions. Career History Before joining Fintech Galaxy, I worked as Senior Markets Analyst at Thomson Reuters. I hold a bachelor's degree in Business & Finance, and a Master's in Finance and Financial Institutions and passed CFA levels 1 and 2.


Marketing in Financial Services

Open Finance Revolution: Marketing’s Unexpected Transformation

23 Aug 2023

It is high time to dive headfirst into a phenomenon shaking up the finance world – Open Banking. It's not just about seamless banking anymore, there's an intriguing twist to this tale - a profound effect on the marketing realm, a sphere often overlooked in this context. So, time for a journey through the landscape of Open Banking as we explore i...