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2022 (2)
Pierre Dutaret

Pierre Dutaret

CEO and Co-Founder at Libeo
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Bio As a serial entrepreneur in the finance and accounting sector, Pierre Dutaret Co-Founded Libeo in 2018. Career History Prior to Libeo, Pierre Co-Founded Comptalab, an accounting-tech start-up and Farago, a restaurant group. Pierre has also spent over a decade working in the financial sector, as a Corporate Financier in Mergers & Acquisitions at Merrill Lynch before joining BNP Paribas. Pierre is also a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef and trained sommelier.


The future of Payments in Europe

The future of work

16 Jun 2022

Digital is completely transforming the way people work across the globe and allowing people to become more interconnected. Machine automation takes away the stresses attached to manual labour and boosts productivity, increasing the value of an employee's output. Equally, automation outsources repetitive, time-consuming tasks, enabling employees to...


Business impact of automation on financial admin

06 May 2022

Over the last two years, companies have adapted and embraced technology to enhance their offerings to customers within the digital space. Research by Deloitte on 'Emerging Technology' found that 47% of financial services executives surveyed said it would be essential to implementing AI within the financial realm by 2023. Artificial intelligence (A...