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2022 (3)
Daniel Pujazon

Daniel Pujazon

Policy Lead at PagoNxt
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Future of money in the digital era: regulation as a levelling factor

14 Jun 2022

The past decade has seen many different digital transformation trends reshape the way consumers and businesses interact never more than in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. The financial services sector has seen an acceleration in payments innovation, with online intermediation and e-commerce’s exponential expansionbeing perfect examples of this ...

Cloud Banking out of the Box

Cloud, key enabler in the digital context

12 Apr 2022

Cloud computing is key to successful participation in the global payments ecosystem. By Daniel Pujazon, Policy Lead at PagoNxt Life has evolved a lot over the last years. Digital transformation has been a major disruptor all across the board but is especially true in the case of financial services. This has made new players to appear and created n...


Why bigtech regulation will bolster fintech’s competitive advantage

05 Apr 2022

New regulations, as I said in my previous essay, are altering the digital economy as we know it. However, a clear imbalance and the need to change to keep up with new models and players can still be seen on the regulatory front. Our particular elephant in the room is that our regulation is somehow stuck in the analogue world (to quote Santander’


How bigtech is moving in on fintech’s territory

29 Mar 2022

Rewriting the rules to put technology at the heart of customer-first financial services Since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, various trends in digital transformation have reshaped the way consumers and businesses interact. With the exponential growth of e-commerce and online intermediation, the financial services sector has seen an acceleratio...