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Paul Fermor

Paul Fermor

UK Solutions Director at Software AG
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Bio Paul is UK Solutions Director for Software AG. He specialises in the solution of business problems with a rich data theme via the use of data analysis and system design, implementation and optimisation. Career History Paul has spent his career creating solutions for very large-scale data analysis and real-time processing in a variety of applications, ranging from medical imaging to capital markets trading. He holds a first-class honors degree and PhD in Physics from the University of Surrey.


Analytics in Banking

Foundations for continuously improving customer experience

11 Aug 2022

Like many industries pursuing innovation, banking and financial services often gravitate to hot topics such as decentralised and sustainable finance, super apps, or some aspect of the metaverse. While new technologies and initiatives do have the potential to transform the landscape of the industry, sometimes customers’ day-to-day requirements end ...

Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

To exploit hyperautomation, banks must lay the right foundations

06 Jul 2022

With a predicted global addressable market of nearly $600 billion in 2022, hyperautomation (HA) is a key focus for many industry transformation initiatives. In this article, I’ll lay out in layman’s terms what hyperautomation is, why it matters and what foundations firms should establish to ensure the delivery of successful hyperautomation initi...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Opportunities to manage technical debt within financial services firms

29 Jun 2022

In a previous blog article, I discussed how the judicious adoption and management of technical debt was a potential competitive differentiator and a key strategic business imperative for financial services firms. In contrast, with technical debt consuming 41% of enterprise IT budgets, for some firms an ignorance of technical debt may pose an exis...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Financial firms must approach digital transformation with technical debt in mind

21 Mar 2022

Technical debt is a “ball & chain” for many financial firms - a natural consequence of getting things done quickly instead getting things done well. However, regarding technical debt simply as a “thing” is a limiting factor for firms and misses vital nuances of this concept. In this article, we’ll re-visit the concept of technical debt, and sug...