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2020 (1)
Stefan Pajkovic

Stefan Pajkovic

CEO at TradeCore
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Bio CEO and founder of TradeCore, the fast growth fintech that supports emerging market players innovate and get to market faster by removing ecosystem complexity and regulatory barriers. Career History A derivatives trader turned data-driven internet entrepreneur, I have successfully launched a number of financial technology and internet ventures across the world, including in the UK, South Africa, Canada, Thailand, Russia and Israel.



How fintechs can avoid a spiral of death in the age of COVID-19

16 Oct 2020

On average it takes at least 2 to 3 years for a fintech company to transition from an initial proposition to being market ready, often at the cost of millions of pounds. In the current COVID environment, where it’s more difficult to develop products and prove profitability to investors, many industry commentators are warning of a ‘fintech spiral ...