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2022 (1)
Kamran Hedjri

Kamran Hedjri

Board Member at PXP Financial
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In-store digitisation: the secret to high street survival

24 Mar 2022

Recently there has been cautious optimism on high streets around the world. Footfall is slowly creeping up and retailers are looking for ways to make physical stores more attractive to consumers now accustomed to the convenience of online shopping. Kamran Hedjri, CEO of PXP Financial, looks at how physical stores can maintain a foothold in an incr...


How COVID-19 has shaped the gaming and betting landscape

03 Dec 2020

When 2020 started, the gaming and betting industries were on track for a great year. ICE London 2020 was showcasing some promising new technology and it looked like the gaming sector would continue its upward trajectory in 2020. Unfortunately, the unexpected arrival of the COVID-19 virus flipped everything on its head. Almost every sector was impa...