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2022 (2) 2021 (1)
Alex Reddish

Alex Reddish

Managing Director at Tribe Payments
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Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

The data around the transaction will become more valuable than the transaction itself

26 May 2022

This principle is not a new one. Sometimes it is talked about in a different manner, but let's consider how long data has been harped on about as the ‘next big thing’. It goes as far back as 2006 when Clive Humby shouted from that rooftop “Data is the new oil”. So we shouldnt be surprised that we have moved on from the Clubcard to our everyday fi...

The future of Payments in Europe

Is 2022 the year we see a slowdown in Fintech investment?

21 Feb 2022

As we as a business reflected on the different trends we felt were worth talking about for 2022, the fintech investment scene and current tech stocks felt like something worth expanding on more widely. Before we focus on the current climate let's talk very briefly about the drivers of the dot com bubble: Low interest rates, huge amounts of capital...

Open Banking

Open Banking hasn’t failed, but Open Finance might do if we don’t learn from it

01 Nov 2021

Open Banking has been in the fintech headlines recently, once again being lambasted as something that hasn’t quite worked with some industry titans even labelling the initiative as a failure. Starling’s Anne Boden told MPs on the Treasury Committee “Open Banking is a lesson of us trying to make something work when halfway through the project, we ...