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2018 (1)
Balázs Vinnai

Balázs Vinnai

President at W.UP
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Bio I have joined W.UP, the digital sales company for banks as investor and president. My main focus is helping international banks become champions in digital sales and get ahead of digital-native rivals. Career History I was co-founder-CEO of IND Group, a provider of digital banking solutions in Europe and Middle East. IND Group was acquired in 2014 by Misys (now Finastra), where I became CDO and VP responsible for digital channels. I am also the co-founder of Codecool, the leading coding school in the CEE region.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

5 reasons why banks still struggle with digital transformation

25 Sep 2018

Digital transformation can be a bumpy road for banks. In the past few years, I’ve seen hundreds of attempts at going digital. Many projects end in failure but even if not, most financial institutions have a hard time getting real results. So why do they fall short of their goals? Here are some of the key obstacles to overcome. There are several fa...