

Latest Results from /payments

Impact Study

Mastering the Transition to ISO 20022

Strategies for Compliance and Automated Testing in Financial Services With a regulatory storm incoming, the need for testing solutions – whether they be generic or tailored – is greater than ever before. As the financial services industry undergoes a vast amount change, particularly around the introduction of new rails on the ISO 20022 framework, these tests are proving vital for international banks and other institutions in the chain.  Yet, for this sector change is not a binary phase; it is almost always underway. To tackle this challenge in a sustainable way, automation is key – giving institutions the confidence to weather the storm of regulation with ease.  With the ISO 20022 standard now a prerequisite, organisations must convince their business leaders that the migration mandated for November is not just an IT project – it is fundamental to company-wide strategy.  This impact study, produced in association with Unifits and featuring expert commentary from BearingPoint and Accenture, explores how institutions can master the transition to ISO 20022 and streamline compliance through automated testing.  Discover:  The impact and evolution of testing  The benefits of testing automation  The strategic role of technology and compliance  Trends to watch: New rails and regulations  Real-world case studies  And more. 


Impact Study

Microservices Architecture: Future-Proofing Payments Technology

It is high time for banks to move away from legacy thinking and embrace modernisation to remain competitive in the industry.  Financial institutions have long been threatened by innovative, tech-savvy fintech firms that do not have to maintain decades-old back-office systems. Core banking systems within banks have evolved, but with additional pressure from incoming regulation and subsequent reporting, progression and modernisation has not kept pace with industry developments.  In the US alone, the real-time payments market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 31% until 2030. An institution’s success in scaling their payment processing in response to this shift will rest heavily on how their systems are set up.  Cloud-native payments processing is the most viable option to keep pace with innovation demand and competition; enabling banks to build upon flexibility, at low cost and risk. These enablers also make cloud infrastructure – both public and private – attractive for banks that have struggled to streamline, maintain and upgrade their legacy infrastructures.  This Finextra research paper, produced in association with Diebold Nixdorf, explores the opportunities of microservices architecture. It discusses:  Then & Now: Monolithic vs. microservices architecture  Overcoming microservice challenges  The benefits of a micro-approach  Real-world examples and cases studies  And more. 


White Paper

APIs, Automation, and AI

An Arsenal to Defend Against Card Transaction Fraud Fraudsters are no longer individuals who are looking to infiltrate gaps or weaknesses in how our businesses are set up. They are expert technologists and strategists that steal customer data, take over accounts and break into tough security measures. Between 2023 and 2027, merchants are expected to lose a total of $343 billion to online payment fraud, driving home the point that the time is now for technology to be leveraged to reduce card transaction fraud, which is growing in numbers and complexity. APIs, automation, and AI are all integral to an effective fraud mitigation strategy in 2024. This Finextra whitepaper, produced in association with Mastercard, discusses how these technologies – if used in the right way – can support financial institutions evolve to emerging threats with increased speed and accuracy.


Impact Study

Payment Fraud in 2024: Who is Liable?

Fraud is a billion-dollar business in the Instant Payments era. Statistics show that ecommerce fraud is predicted to exceed $48 billion globally by the end of 2023 alone and could exceed $362 billion between 2023 and 2028.  In 2024, banks will not only contend with the changing liability landscape, but the upcoming adoption of ISO 20022 as well. Both represent a historical shift in the financial services industry. To prepare for a higher degree of liability in a data-rich environment, banks need to address the holistic landscape of fraud mitigation.  This Finextra impact study, produced in association with NICE Actimize, addresses the changing liability landscape and what banks need to do to prepare for regulatory changes and increased fraud protection.  We cover:  Shifting liability and the impact of new PSR regulation  ISO 20022’s impact on the financial industry  Financial industry priorities in 2024  And more. 



Payments Modernisation: The Big Survey 2024

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Big Survey. Our annual report, surveying 350 senior bankers across the globe, offers a unique vantage point on the ever-evolving landscape of payments modernisation. Over the years, we’ve uncovered fresh developments and enduring challenges alike, painting a detailed picture of the industry’s trajectory. As we navigate 2024, the financial services sector is in the midst of profound transformation. Our latest insights highlight the critical need to modernise payment systems swiftly and effectively, driven by rising customer expectations and stringent regulatory demands.  Download our 2024 survey to learn about:  The current state of capabilities  Why payments architecture is more flexible than ever before  Financial institutions’ budgets and spending priorities  The global drive towards real-time and cross-border  And much more. 


Future of Report

The Future of Digital Banking in Europe 2024

A Money20/20 Special Edition. In 2023, fintech investment in the EMEA region dropped to $24.5 billion, down from $49.6 billion in 2022 – a seven year low.  Macroeconomic and global political conditions are creating challenges for growth, with upcoming general elections around the world adding to the uncertainties in financial ecosystems. Despite these challenges, the outlook for European digital banking remains positive.  The region continues to lead in innovation within the financial sector. This Finextra report, a Special Edition for Money20/20 Europe, features interviews with key players in the European financial services and fintech industries. It includes insights from Vodeno, EY, J.P. Morgan, Swift, Tink, and TrueLayer, and explores the following topics that will be addressed in Amsterdam: Hyper-personalisation: Moving towards super apps  Embedded payments driving the Banking-as-a-Service revolution  Variable recurring payments: The next step in European open banking  Is Europe ready for MiCA? From Web1 to Web3, or Markets1 to Markets3  How European fintech is facing macro challenges 


Impact Study

Fraud and AML Case Management: How to Operate at the Speed of Risk

The digital revolution has fuelled a surge in transactions, while economic turmoil, geopolitical tensions and shifting regulations have emboldened sophisticated financial criminals. As a result, fraud is costing financial institutions more than ever before.  Traditional siloed systems and manual process have left financial institutions vulnerable by drowning investigators and analysts in data, while starving them of actionable insights to stay ahead of risk.  This Finextra impact study, produced in association with NICE Actimize, explore how institutions can bolster their fraud management and anti-money laundering (AML) prevention systems to stay ahead of risk, reduce operational costs and investigations time, and meet changing business and regulatory requirements.  We cover:  How to resolve siloed case management  How to fix fractured data  How to create a faster, more intelligent workflow  And more. 


Future of Report

The Future of UK Fintech - 2015-2035

An IFGS Special Edition UK Fintech Week 2024 With UK Fintech Week's flagship event - Innovate Finance Global Summit (IFGS) - returning for its 10th anniversary, Finextra and Innovate Finance have partnered to publish this report, which acts as your go-to-guide to everything you need to know about financial services and technology in the UK. ‘The Future of UK Fintech: 2015 – 2035: An IFGS Special Edition’ includes commentary from the brightest and best across the fintech ecosystem, discussing and debating the crucial issues facing the sector now and in years to come. This includes key insights from industry experts from Cogo, EY, Konsentus, Marqeta, Standard Chartered Ventures, and Zopa Bank. Scoping out the next decade to come, this report explores the agenda topics below and more: The Next Decade of FS and Innovation: What Lies Ahead Fintech Beyond FS Borders: How Fintech is Impacting other Industries and Sectors UK and the World: Keeping our Crown while Learning from Others Transformative Technologies: Opportunities and Risks Users of Tomorrow: The Next Generation of Consumers The Shifting Ecosystem: Who Will Lead?



Definitive Differentiators - Forging a future-proof payments model

Over the last few decades, banks have been forced to reconsider their business model for transaction services. During the era of low-interest rates, the focus shifted to transaction revenues, and while the pendulum is now pivoting back to utilising the balance sheet for revenue growth, the amount of new regulations impacting the industry is ever-increasing. New technology and market regulation have fostered innovation and new market entrants. This “perfect storm” is exposing a number of potential threats for banks, but also new opportunities to expand the share of customer wallet and time to market, and drive cost efficiency through standardization. This Finextra survey report, produced in collaboration with Tietoevry, explores the key factors driving changes to payment models for different financial institutions and how they can wield continued or differentiated success in the evolving landscape.


Impact Study

APP Fraud Liability: A Guide for Banks

Fraud is running rampant. The UK Government's 2023 'Fraud Strategy' report highlighted that fraud now accounts for over 40% of crime, yet receives less than 1% of police resources. More needs to be done to ensure that the consumer is protected.  This is why, as per the Financial Services and Markets Bill, all PSPs will now be required to reimburse fraud victims from October 2024. In light of these upcoming changes, banks need to reassess how they manage liability associated with APP fraud and develop new methodologies in order to investigate and mitigate fraud more effectively.  This Finextra impact study, produced in collaboration with Form3, gives banks a guide to tackling the new APP fraud liability landscape. It highlights:  Risk scoring payments  Implementing the right intelligence  Considering false positives  Ensuring explainability  And more. 


Event Report

Mastering DORA: A Strategic Guide to Operational Resilience

In the rapidly evolving fintech world, robust, reliable, and resilient systems are more crucial than ever. The industry must grapple not just with the challenges of instant payments and external cyber threats, but also with the advent of new players, running on varied infrastructures and offering unprecedented uptime levels.  DORA, introduced by the European Union, provides a dedicated framework for the EU financial sector, aimed at protecting digital operational resilience—a vital aspect of contemporary business operations.  This Finextra webinar report, hosted in association with NTT DATA, offers a strategic guide to mastering DORA. It covers:  Understanding DORA and its impact on the financial services industry  Why operational resilience is key to business continuity  Key aspects of implementation  And more.  Download our webinar report now to learn more.  Click here to watch the webinar on-demand now - DORA: The drive towards better operational resilience.


Impact Study

8 Steps to Efficient Transaction Fraud Monitoring

In the wake of the widespread shift to digital banking and ecommerce, fraud teams have seen a sharp increase in card transaction fraud. Since 2014, card transaction fraud has increased by an average of 8.9% per year and exceeded $32 billion in losses in 2021 alone. In an increasingly complex threat environment, card transaction fraud has devastating consequences for banks and merchants alike.  Technologies like cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) pave the way for innovative fraud solutions. Yet, in order to effectively deploy these tools, banks need to address their underlying risk strategies, technical infrastructure and the quality of their available data.  This Finextra impact study, produced in association with Brighterion, a Mastercard company, explores the eight steps for banks to reach transaction fraud monitoring excellence. Download today to learn more. 


Impact Study

AI and Cloud: The Proving Ground for Regulatory Resilience in 2024

The current macroeconomic landscape is marked by exceptional volatility and uncertainty, posing challenges to traditional models in the financial services sector. Despite this new challenging market context, some financial institutions continue to hit pause on using AI and cloud technology, falling behind the curve. Leveraging new technologies can no longer be a zero-sum game. This impact study explores: How can AI and cloud be leveraged to improve back-end processes, rather than just front-end experiences; How migrating to the cloud can fuel new use cases; The regulatory impact of PSD3, DORA and more; The benefits of data sovereignty and data governance; And more. Download this Finextra impact study, produced in association with Microsoft Azure, to learn more.


Sentiment Paper

Payments: The key to unlocking new ecosystems and why merchant services are on the up

To say things have changed in payments, and, as a result, the merchants services space is to understate a dramatic and fast-moving digital and cultural evolution that has driven such change.  Digital payments have enabled the establishment of hundreds of merchant businesses, particularly in developing markets, as well as the significant growth of global ecommerce.  This Finextra Research report, in association with Ingenico, explores: How banks and acquirers have adapted to the digital frontier; The importance of data-driven business services; Why the Point-of-Sale is the ultimate channel for digital success; What will be the key tenets of the payments ecosystem in the next five to ten years; And more. Download our sentiment paper today to discover more. 


White Paper

UK Open Banking API Performance 2022-2023

The UK continues to be at the forefront of the global Open Banking revolution thanks to the proactive attitude of regulators.  As the most advanced Open Banking market in the world, the UK provides an example of best practices in the implementation of API-based Open Banking that other jurisdictions can use as a model.  In this report, we study the performance of the Open Banking APIs exposed by the large CMA9 UK banks, traditional High Street banks, credit card providers and building societies, and new entrant banks (neobanks). Some of our key findings include:  There continue to be significant API performance differences between banks; There is a significant difference in total latency between the fastest and slowest banks; Cloud choice makes a huge difference in performance; And more. Download our analysis of Open Banking API services today to learn more.