DataSynapse reports Grid win at US mortgage bank

DataSynapse reports Grid win at US mortgage bank

DataSynapse is reporting a significant win at one the US' largest mortgage banks for the application of Grid technology to the computing of Hanover/Bush Analytics calculations on daily loan valuations.

Hanover Trade recently redesigned its software for valuing mortgage loans for deployment over a Grid environment - in which idle computing power is harnessed to crunch through compute-intensive applications.

DataSynapse claims that one of the largest financial institutions in the world has deployed this joint offering, directing calculations within Hanover/Busch Analytics for distribution to hundreds of CPUs managed by DataSynapse's GridServer.

The combined system is being used to power through 5 million loan calculations daily. DataSynapse says that as a result fo the switch to Grid, calculations that previously had to be run overnight can now be completed on-demand based on user requirements.

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