Reveleus launches Basel II package

Reveleus launches Basel II package

Reveleus, a subsidiary of I-flex solutions, has released Reveleus Basel II, pitched as a framework of analytics, metrics and tools designed to help banks comply with the forthcoming capital regulations.

Built on Reveleus' Unified Metadata technology, the framework provides tools to manage enterprise-wide risk and accurately allocate capital.

The system complies with Basel regulations for market and credit risk under standardised, foundation & advanced Internal ratings-based approaches. It also provides a framework to help banks measure capital requirements for operational risk under the basic indicator, standardised and advanced measurement approaches, claims the vendor.

S Ramakrishnan, CEO, Reveleus, says the package provides banks with the tools to rapidly jump-start their risk management and capital accord compliance initiatives.

"Solutions are delivered on a solid data warehouse with banking specific analytics that can be leveraged across multiple functional areas, providing a consistent, holistic view of the activities within the bank," he adds.

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