Euronext Liffe selects Level 3 network for Cbot Liffe Connect roll out

Euronext.liffe has contracted with US-based Level 3 Communications for the supply of network services as it prepares to roll out its electronic trading platform Liffe Connect to the Chicago Board of Trade (Cbot).

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Euronext Liffe selects Level 3 network for Cbot Liffe Connect roll out


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Euronext has signed agreements with Level 3 to purchase private line, colocation and metropolitan dark fibre in anticipation of the introduction of Liffe Connect in Chicago next year.

Level 3's dark fibre services help customers reduce local loop expense and increase the physical diversity of their network. The company has a 2,100-mile metropolitan backbone and can extend fibre reach as well as integrate third party fibre.

Mark Hemsley, managing director, market solutions, Euronext.liffe, says Level 3's reach, commitment to colocation and flexible leasing options for its metropolitan dark fibre services were key factors in the selection process.

The exchange is also purchasing network services from Level 3 in Europe.

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