Sun technology to underpin Cbot Liffe Connect platform

Sun technology to underpin Cbot Liffe Connect platform

Sun Microsystems is to supply the infrastructure and managed services to support the implementation of the Liffe Connect platform from London-based Euronext.liffe at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).

Under the deal, Cbot will replace its existing trading infrastructure from German derivatives exchange Eurex with the hosted Liffe Connect platform on three Sun Fire F15K servers, plus Sun Fire 280R servers and Sun Fire V100 servers, as the standard for all gateways.

The new infrastructure will be developed using Sun's Solaris operating system.

To deliver the service, Euronext.liffe has established operations within Equinix Internet Business Exchange centres in the greater Chicago and New York areas, with possible future expansion to additional centers.

Seperately, Euronext.liffe has selected Sun Managed Services to provide it with IT systems management support.

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