KAL and Netkey deliver Windows-based ATM package

KAL and Netkey deliver Windows-based ATM package

Scottish software house KAL and Connecticut-based solution provider Netkey are offering a package to monitor and manage the networks of Web-enabled bank automated teller machines (ATMs).

The new solution integrates Kalignite, KAL's ATM software platform, with Netkey Manager, a multi-channel management solution. It offer banks and other ATM-owners a low-cost Microsoft Windows hardware and software-secure environment, say the companies.

The new solution is being showcased at the BAI Retail Delivery 2001 Conference in California this week.

Alex Richardson, president and CEO of Netkey, says: "Banks and other financial services providers are being pressured by customers to offer more online-based services in a familiar Web environment.

"By delivering these services through customer-facing devices like Web ATMs, financial organisations can reduce costs, increase transactional revenues and leverage many aspects of their existing Web investment."

Kalignite is available on Microsoft Windows NT, 2000, XP or CE operating systems.

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