Nordea stamps name on retail banking ops

Four leading Nordic retail banks are to move to the Nordea brand as part of a joint renaming operation brought about by faster-than-expected group integration and customer awareness of the new corporate identity.

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Nordea stamps name on retail banking ops


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From noon today, Unibank, Nordbanken, Merita and Christiania Bank will begin a three-month initiative to unveil the new signage at their branches throughout the Nordic region.

The retail banks in the four Nordic countries change their legal names to Nordea Bank Sweden AB (publ), Nordea Bank Finland Plc, Nordea Bank Danmark A/S and Nordea Bank Norge ASA, respectively. Nordea is already used in corporate and institutional banking, investment banking and asset management and for services outside the Nordic countries.

"The name change reinforces the process of step by step implementation of joint products, services and processes," says Lars G Nordstrom, head of retail banking.

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