BBVA has re-opened its entire branch network as Spain emerges out of lockdown.
BBVA closed 70% of its Spain branches in March after the state of emergency was declared and only kept 30% of its branches open through May. Ninety per cent of branch staff were redeployed to online work from home during the shutdown.
For the restart of face-to-face business, the bank is relying on its branch appointments system to keep queues to a minimum and reduce social contact. All staff have been equipped with face masks, and hand sanitisers are provided for use by branch employees and customers. Offices and ATMs are disinfected daily using products authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Health.
BBVA was already well-prepared for the pandemic due to its investment in digital channels over the past few years. Currently, customers can do 100% of their banking through digital channels, and the app offers more than 800 functions.
The bank says it has recorded significant growth in the use of digital interactions during the lockdown, increasing its digital customer base by nearly 250,000 to 5.3 million customers in just two months, from March 14 to May.