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Humber Bridge goes contactless during virus outbreak

Motorists crossing the Humber Bridge are being asked to use contactless payments instead of cash to help minimise contact and the spread of Covid-19.

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Humber Bridge goes contactless during virus outbreak


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Senior management says the shift to contactless is aimed at making sure the 2.22-kilometre suspension bridge stays operational during the outbreak.

The bridge, which connects the East Riding of Yorkshire with North Lincolnshire, carries over 10,000 vehicles every day.

Tollbooth operators have already been equipped with gloves, hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes to help them keep their environment hygienic while dealing with the thousands of motorists using the bridge each day.

The switch to contactless is taking place with immediate effect, says chief operating Officer, Andrew Arundel.

“We have already equipped the staff with sanitation products to keep their immediate environment clean, but now we are encouraging motorists to do their bit by no longer using cash and choosing contactless payment methods instead," he says. “We are entering a challenging phase where our priorities are our staff, our customers, and the safety of all bridge users, and balancing the needs of everyone is at the forefront of our minds."

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Comments: (1)

Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller Former Retail Banker at None

The alternative of course would be to scrap the toll or suspend it. It is a tax on local economic activity which at this time will be depressed anyway. Something for the Humber Bridge Board to consider perhaps.

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