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BBVA tells employees to ignore email outside of working hours

BBVA is introducing a policy of digital disconnection for employees in Spain, encouraging them to put down their devices and take a break from the emails outside of working hours.

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BBVA tells employees to ignore email outside of working hours


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The policy is part of a wider effort to encourage a healthy work-life balance, fostering a flexible environment that is centred on achieving goals, not "presenteeism".

BBVA wants to move away from the corporate norm of people checking their work emails over dinner or in bed, ruling that no communications should be sent between 7:00pm and 8:00am, except for "justified expectations".

In addition, following a deal with unions, the bank is also set to start tracking employee hours in an effort to prevent overwork. From this month, Spanish staffers must register through a new app the time they start and finish working.

Corporate headquarters will start closing at 7:00pm, with services such as restaurants, transportation and gyms adapting to the new schedule.

BBVA is also making changes to transportation for staffers, increasing the number of shuttles from Ciudad BBVA to the centre of Madrid, as well as promoting car-pooling and building car parks that encourage environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as electric scooters.

Meanwhile, meetings will be limited to 45 minutes, with attendees encouraged to join via video conferencing.

While the plan is initially only for Spain, over time it will be rolled out in other countries, adapting to the each market's different characteristics.

Carlos Casas, global head, talent and culture, BBVA, says: "We want to reinforce key principles in our organisation: working hard toward goals, being more productive and efficient, and offering employees greater flexibility and balance in their professional and personal lives."

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A Finextra member 

These days it is not the emails that come in after work. It is text messages that come via Whatsup and other social media platforms.

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