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Financial services Rising Stars to be profiled at EBAday 2019

Financial services Rising Stars to be profiled at EBAday 2019

Academics, university alumni and graduates from financial industry schemes will gather for the inaugural Rising Stars session at EBAday 2019, taking place this year in Stockholm between the 18th and 19th June.

This new break-out session will host up-and-coming experts who are making a difference to the industry and in their respective remits during lunchtime on day two of EBAday 2019 curated by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra.

Rising Stars will showcase the work of these stand-out individuals and discuss the pioneering initiatives that they have instigated in the midst of an industry that is rapidly evolving.

Whether it is AI and emerging technologies, data science and visualisation or organisational change management, the session will focus on this new cohort effecting change, with the 1500 attendees also hearing from banks who will reveal what they are looking for in new recruits.

The Rising Stars session will also explore the changing face of financial services, to what extent business, IT, data and compliance can operate independently, or whether it is better to cross-purpose, and finally, what the bank of the future will look like.

Alongside this new addition, EBAday 2019 will also host a Women in Payments lunchtime discussion, and the exhibition floor, which - aside from being the perfect space in which to network with over 1,500 practitioners and executives from the payments and transaction banking ecosystem - also plays host to the Fintech Zone, where start-ups will be showcasing their innovative offerings via a series of pitches and presentations in the Fintech Zone open theatre.

Don’t miss out on all these exciting areas of content, debate and presentations and register now.

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