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European payments chiefs to gather in Stockholm for EBAday2019

European payments chiefs to gather in Stockholm for EBAday2019

A host of board directors, chief financial officers and payments and technology heads from Europe's leading banks have confirmed their participation in the conference programme for the fourteenth annual EBAday, taking place this year in Stockholm between the 18th and 19th June.

Up to 1500 of Europe's leading payments experts and over 70 exhibitors are expected to attend the two-day event, which will set out a vision for the future of the European payments industry as new technologies and trends reshape the business.

Curated by the Euro Banking Association’s subject matter experts, the conference programme comprises keynotes, panel discussions and debates featuring more than 80 speakers.

A new addition to EBAday this year are two lunchtime sessions crafted to shine a light on the rising stars of fintech and women in payments.

The top-level seminar programme at EBAday is complemented by a bustling exhibition floor, demonstrating the complete spectrum of payment processing services from leading banks, ACHs, technology vendors and consultancies.

The floor also plays host the Fintech Zone, where top start-ups from across Europe will be showcasing their innovative offerings via a series of pitches and presentations in the Fintech Zone open theatre.

The full agenda is now online, and registration for EBAday 2019 is open.

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