Patsystems launches handheld trading solution

Patsystems launches handheld trading solution

London-based patsystems has launched H-Trader – a handheld remote access trading system that allows equities and derivatives dealers to trade on exchanges from anywhere in the world using a mobile phone or wireless LAN.

H-Trader allows users to send orders, receive real-time trade executions, access real-time position monitoring on an account-by-account basis via the Internet from their handheld device. It currently provides access to a number of derivative and securities exchanges including LSE, Liffe, SFE, SGX, Eurex, Euronext Futures, Montreal, CBOT, CME Globex2, Meff, as well as AmEx, Nyse and Nasdaq (via Archipelago)

The system operates under Windows CE and runs on a Compaq iPaq H3660 or H3670 Pocket PC with a choice of connectivity including wireless LAN or Internet utilising ‘built-in’ functionality.

David Jones, chief executive officer of patsystems, comments: "We see immediate initial application to markets that still have a significant open-outcry operation, such as Chicago and Singapore...However H-Trader can also be used by professional traders throughout the UK and Europe who have an Internet connection or wireless LAN. H-Trader can be installed in a matter of minutes."

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