Brief: Barclaycard renews ID Data smart card order

Brief: Barclaycard renews ID Data smart card order

Barclaycard has renewed a £5 million contract with UK-based ID Data, and its joint venture TTi Card Technology, for 4.5 million smart cards supplied with UKIS chips.

Barclaycard currently has in excess of 25% of the UK market for credit cards and ID Data has an estimated 38% share of the UK smart card financial market.

ID Data has also been awarded a contract for the personalisation and mailing of some 1.5 million MasterCards prior to December for the UK operations, as well as a new development contract with Barclaycard's international division.

Peter Crook, managing director of Barclaycard, says: "This extension of the original contract represents a significant confirmation of the increasing importance that Barclays places on our chip card strategy."

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