Experian and AIT forge analytical eCRM partnership

Experian and AIT forge analytical eCRM partnership

Credit referencing agency Experian and software vendor AIT have teamed up to deliver an intelligent customer relationship management (CRM) solution for financial services organisations.

The companies say they will combine AIT's multi-channel eCRM software with Experian's customer data integration technology, information assets and decision support systems to provide organisations with a 360 degree view of customers.

Richard Fiddis, chief operating officer at Experian, says Forrester research suggests that less that two percent of companies have actually succeeded in obtaining an integrated view of their customers.

"Experian's partnership with AIT, combining operational and analytical CRM, will help address some of the crucial failings of existing CRM executions such as the lack of integrated customer databases, incompatible technology and departmentalisation," he says.

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