Sixty-seven per cent of UK consumers have no plans to use new mobile wallet technology, claiming they are happy with the way they pay today, according to a survey by pollsters YouGov.
While concerns about security and fraud continue to top the list for mobile refuseniks, almost half of respondents say they either don't need a mobile payment system or aren't interested.
Only one-quarter of the 2000+ consumers interviewed by YouGov expressed an interest in using their mobile phone instead of cash to pay for purchases. Of these only one in ten are likely to use the service in the future.
And while five per cent agree that they will get the technology as soon as it's available, the vast majority - almost a half (48%) - won't be rushing to swap their real wallet for their mobile wallet. These respondents agreed it's a good idea but they will only consider mobile payments when any issues have been ironed out.
Lack of awareness may also prove a stumbling block, with more than a third of respondents admitting they didn't know if their phone was equipped with NFC technology.
YouGov tried to put a positive spin on the results. Russell Feldman, the consultant who led the research says: "Retailers, mobile operators and handset manufacturers have a real opportunity to educate consumers about the advantages of paying - particularly for smaller items - in this way. We believe once people have seen it in practice they will be quick to adopt it."
The top perceived benefits for those planning to use NFC in the future are: convenience to pay (87%); the speed of paying (67%); easier than carrying cash and cards (67%); better for the environment (37%); less chance of losing personal information than with paper receipts (35%); being able to keep track of spending more easily (29%).
Early adopters can see themselves buying everything from small purchases like sandwiches, magazines and newspapers (81%), to more expensive items such as CDs, DVDs and games (65%). More than a third (39%) could see themselves making bigger investments including games consoles, clothes and even the weekly shop.