European payments industry to convene in Helsinki

European payments industry to convene in Helsinki

Finextra Research and the Euro Banking Association will this year hold their annual European payments forum - EBAday 2008 - over two days in Helsinki in June, with the support of lead sponsors Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Nordea, Pohjola Bank, and Logica.

Now in its third year, EBAday2008 will look beyond the practical compliance requirements of operating in a Single Euro Payments Area and deal with the strategic questions that banks must address if they are to prosper in the new business environment.

Adopting the theme, 'Towards end-to-end effectiveness of payments' the two-day event at the Marina Congress Centre will for the first time play host to the corporate community with a series of special interest sessions dedicated to the impact of Sepa on corporates and opportunities for corporate innovation in payments.

The top-level conference and seminar programme at EBAday is complemented by an exhibition showcasing the complete spectrum of payment processing services from leading banks, ACHs, technology vendors, and consultancies. With two months to go before EBAday2008 opens its doors for business, the exhibition floor is fast approaching sell-out, reflecting the growing success of the event in attracting a high quality delegate audience.

To register for the event and get the latest updates on the speaker programme and agenda, go to

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