Online insurer launches text-based quotation service

Online insurer launches text-based quotation service

UK Internet-only insurance firm is launching a text quotation service for prospective motor insurance customers.

The service, called Swift Text, has been developed by British firm Text2Insure and uses existing mobile phone SMS text capabilities or WAP to enable prospective motor insurance customers to get an insurance quote, direct to their mobile phone, in less than five minutes.

Customers using the service will be required to send an SMS message to the Swift Text service. A replay message will ask for postcode, number of years no claims discount and date of birth.

Once customers have texted back the information, they will receive a reply that asks for car registration number, first name, surname and title. They will then receive another message that asks for their occupation.

This will be followed by a text message containing the insurance quote and a quote ID. The message also directs the customer to the Swiftcover Web site where they can use their ID to access the quote and buy the policy.

Commenting on the text quote service, Andrew Blowers, chief executive of, says: "A text system for quotes is a natural addition to our online service, where consumers can get quotes, buy and manage policies and make claims entirely online. Most importantly, we are providing digital solutions in an increasingly digitalised market, and cutting out the call centre which not only minimises frustration for the consumer, but allows us to deliver some of the cheapest premiums."

The service will be charged at the customer's standard network rate.

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