Swedish banks and mobile operators develop e-ID standard

Swedish banks and mobile operators develop e-ID standard

Sweden's Bank-ID consortium has teamed with mobile operators in the country to develop a common standard for electronic identification using mobile handsets.

BankID is an electronic identification and signature service owned by Danske Bank Sweden, FöreningsSparbanken, Handelsbanken, Ikanobanken, Länsförsäkringar Bank and SkandiaBanken. The service is run by Finansiell ID-Teknik.

The consortium has been working with mobile operators TeliaSonera Sweden and Ericsson to develop the new standard, called e-ID, which stores ID information on a Sim card in a mobile phone.

Finansiell ID-Teknik says e-ID will be issued by banks and could be used for services such as banking, tax submissions or even voting.

The participating banks and mobile companies are now establishing a non-profit association that will be responsible for maintaining and developing the standard. The first live tests are expected to take place during the second half of 2005.

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