Icap selects Moneyline data distrbution products for new London trading room

Icap selects Moneyline data distrbution products for new London trading room

Interdealer broker Icap is rolling out Moneyline Telerate's market data distribution platform, TRS, and desktop display application, Active8, to 700 dealer positions at its new operations in London.

Icap will install the products at its new Broadgate location in London, which is scheduled to open in May 2004.

TRS will initially be implemented in the front office to support 700 broking positions. Subsequent initiatives will see the deployment of the Moneyline Connect toolkit and API for distribution of market data to users outside of the trading room.

Lance Fisher, deputy global CIO of ICAP, says: "TRS provides a robust, reliable, and truly open platform environment which, when allied to the Moneyline Connect toolkit and APIs, results in a state of the art and cost effective enterprise wide solution for data distribution and management."

Moneyline says its TRS and Active8 products, in combination with its benchmark content, can significantly reduce the cost of ownership associated with market data distribution and display technologies.

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