Offshore banks sign with EDB for card processing

Offshore banks sign with EDB for card processing

EDB Business Partner has won contracts with five offshore banks in the UK for the supply of card production, management and payment services.

Singer & Friedlander on the Isle of Man, and NM Rothschild & Sons on the Channel Islands have signed five-year contracts with EDB along with AIB Bank's two offshore branches.

The five contracts, which together are worth Nkr15 million, were secured by EDB's local sales and support partner, UK-based Net Express International.

EDB says its will team with Norwegian card company Tag Systems and Norwegian card issuer Teller to deliver the service. Tag Systems will produce payment cards and provide support for customers from its 24-hour contact centre. Teller will carry out settlement and billing through the Visa network.

EDB's bank and finance division will supply components for card administration and authorisation as well as a Web-based work process solution. Operating services will be provided by EDB IT Operations.

Ole Urdahl, executive vice president, EDB bank and finance, says: "EDB is bringing together components and services from its own portfolio and from its partners to deliver a complete solution to these banks."

The system will go live at the banks during the first quarter of 2004.

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