First Community Services installs Fidelity's Horizon platform

First Community Services installs Fidelity's Horizon platform

First Community Services (FCS), a service company for First National Bank Texas and Fort Hood National Bank, is implementing Fidelity Integrated Financial Solutions' banking system, Horizon.

In addition to Horizon, FCS will utilize Fidelity's electronic funds transfer network, Dash, to process ATM transactions as well as the vendor's data warehousing system ACquire and enterprise content management suite Allview.

FCS has also signed up for Fidelity's business continuity services for disaster recovery.

David Epke, CEO of FCS, says: "I want my technology resources focused on new services that provide a competitive advantage, not building bridges between disparate technologies.

"Reduced time to market, lower cost of ownership, and consistent information across all delivery channels are but a few of the benefits we expect from the Horizon banking system."

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