
Latest Results from /regulation

Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

Will there be a world where blockchain and GDPR peacefully co-exist?

As we know, GDPR is new regulation. New regulation faces teething issues. This is an unavoidable reality. While many have claimed that blockchain is a solution in need of a problem, Covid-19 has proved a powerful springboard for a surge in blockchain based platforms, designed with the intention of solving pandemic induced problems. This push for i...


Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

How will Covid-19 re-write the demise of LIBOR?

It’s difficult to encapsulate in a succinct, let alone enchanting way, the leading role that LIBOR plays across the global economy. The economic protagonist of sorts touches on approximately $400 trillion of contracts and lending products across the world, and the arrival of Covid-19 has made the challenge of disentangling associations with the ra...


Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

Why 'Dutch panic' surrounding PSD2 & GDPR interplay may be an overreaction

Earlier this year, Dutch data protection agency De Autoriteit Persoonsgegeven launched an investigation into whether fintech companies in the Netherlands are correctly collecting personal data under PSD2, and whether this approach conflicts with GDPR requirements. When asked why De Autoriteit Persoonsgegeven (AP) commenced this investigation, Quint...


Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

Could Brexit open the gates to AI in the UK?

The UK is outwardly pursuing an adequacy decision from Europe regarding its current data protection and privacy regulations. However, the idea of eschewing outright assimilation with relevant EU laws is gaining traction as it provides an opportunity to sculpt a more appealing privacy framework. As it stands, come 31 December 2020, the UK will have...


Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

Trust in Open Banking: Negotiating data liability between banks and TPPs

The breadth and complexity of Open Banking systems involve a web of players interconnected by the core need to access data. Used as the tool by which financial institutions and third parties deliver innovative financial products, the data required is highly personal by nature and brings with it a myriad of challenges on the part of institutions tr...


Jamie Crawley

Jamie Crawley

SCA - no more kicking the can down the road

With the EBA announcing a revised deadline for migration to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) of December 31st 2020, how have industry players reacted and what now needs to happen make the transition a success? JPMorgan has welcomed the EBA’s announcement of the revised deadline for SCA, both for its clarity and its decision to propose harmonis...
