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1013 Results from 2011

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Another change in VAT rates - start preparing for the next!

This New Year saw the increase of the UK’s VAT rate to 20%. For consumers it has meant reported price hikes for everything from cars and fuel to electrical goods. But what does it mean for corporates who are handling the processes behind the change? When it comes to collecting payments, many organisations including gyms, leisure centres, local auth...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Does ambition exceeding funding in Finance IT?

Is Finance IT prepared for the impact of regulation? We’ve spoken to some investment banks in New York and London and it seems that banks are at risk of underfunding the implementation of regulatory changes in Finance IT and that staffing levels have fallen back, leaving the sector exposed. Our findings expect Finance IT sell-side spending to inc

Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Cash not in favour in Finland

Cash is as we know expensive (50bn cost to merchants according to EU study) and an invitation to robberies, theft, counterfeit, drug dealing, prostitution, gambling, tax evasion - you name it. It also puts considerable strain on the environment. Luckily the trends move towards avoiding using it:

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile Payments Evolution not Revolution

As the global economy slowly emerges from the downturn in what is becoming an ever more aggressive marketplace, organisations are seeking to gain that all important edge over their rivals; with many turning to technology to maximise their competitive advantage. At the start of the millennium the rise of the internet and e-commerce provided busine...

/payments UK Faster Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Have a SIP - A taste of the future

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The three words themselves aren’t particularly spectacular. But this technology is the foundation for true unified communications, and is helping to transform the way that traders communicate and collaborate, wherever they are. The life of a typical trader is busier and more demanding than ever before. The indust...

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Too much information - dealing with exponential content

There has been much discussion about the impact of the so-called "information age". Prior to 2003 it has been said that throughout history mankind had generated a sum total of 5 Exabyte’s of content up to that year. Today it is estimated we generate this amount of content measured in days. “Between the birth of the world and 2003, there ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


So, it’s official: employee fraud is marching north yet again! But is this crime one we’ll ever get to grips with? Listening to Richard Hurley of CIFAS on BBC Radio 4 the other day, I was left in no doubts as to the answer. It was resounding ‘no’. CIFAS will be unveiling their insider fraud figures for 2010 in the next few days, and they will reco

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Will 2011 be the year of SPT ?

Activity in the post trade space is going to be high this year. From multiple matching services routing to multiple clearers for OTC products, the potential for geographic jurisdiction of client, dealer and product to influence routing from a regulatory perspective, OTC derivatives participants will have a lot on their plate in 2011. What’s more, ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What if Google?

What if Google starts online bank? This question has been in my mind, but it seems like also some other peoples mind lately. If you ask me why they should do it, here are three reasons why Google should do it. And money is not the issue here. They have huge customer base They know us better than any other bank They have the most up to date system...

/payments Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

CCP for OTC derivatives: friend or foe?

As previously discussed, worldwide regulators are increasingly favouring a move towards cleared contracts. Pressure to move away from bilateral OTC derivatives trades is based on the current market opaqueness, which exacerbates and contributes to systemic risk. Central clearing has been shown to increase transparency and reduce a variety of risks


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