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1148 Results from 2018

Elina Mattila

Elina Mattila Executive Director at Mobey Forum

Mobile wallets in India: What the world can learn

India’s emergence as a digital payment powerhouse is an unlikely story. Until recently, cash accounted for 95% of transactions, 85% of workers were paid in cash, and 70% of online shoppers chose ‘cash on delivery’ as their preferred payment option.[1] Yet, the Indian mobile wallet market is set to grow by 150% over the next five years, with transa...

/payments Fintech

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

The emergence of chatbot reality as the hyped perception starts to fade

Some interesting research from multiple sources are providing lead indicators into why the future of organisations will become a blend of human and chatbot workers. More and more people are using chatbots. Some may not realise they are using chatbots as it is seemingly so “natural” in a digital nice way! This is especially the case through advance...

/ai Digital Banking Trends

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Credit Suisse proved that your money’s better off in equities than housing

Credit Suisse’s 2018 Yearbook revealed the adage we’re all used to – that housing provides a larger financial reward at lower risk – is wrong. Actually, since 1900, the quality-adjusted real capital gain on worldwide housing has been approximately -2 percent a year. The financial crisis showed that housing can take a real hit: from their late-2005...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Blockchain in Capital Markets

How Blockchain Technology Helps With Trade Reporting With the interconnectivity of the global capital markets, U.S. multinational financial institutions must report to not only U.S. regulators but must also ensure their foreign offices comply with overseas regulators like the European Central Bank. In this article, we’ll analyze how Blockchain tech...

Capital Markets Technology

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Artificial Intelligence Gains Momentum: From Machine Learning to Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence has quickly evolved from science fiction to digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri learning about our daily lives. A.I. applications are interpreting MRIs and will soon be operating self-driving cars. In personal finance, many of us interact with chat boxes on bank web sites. And in the investing world, robo-advisors ar...

/ai Capital Markets Technology

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Five ways to optimise exchange connectivity latency

Every electronic trading algorithm has its own unique attributes impacting its operation. The general model is that the electronic trading algorithm takes in inputs, often composed of data disseminated by an exchange, and having processed them, may send out buy, sell or cancel orders to an exchange. Trading is time sensitive as the prices change ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Investing Tips For Year-Round Tax Planning

At the start of every financial year, one major concern people have borders on taxes. As tax always has to be paid, this has remained a constant fear for all. While some people wait around till April 15 before facing their tax-related issues, others decide to be pro-active long before they are required to pay their taxes. If you are one such proac...

/inclusion Personal Finance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Growing Potential Of Artificial Intelligence To Transform Social Media Marketing

Artificial intelligence and social media are gradually becoming household names in modern day marketing. Both technologies are rapidly taking over the world of marketing, knocking out most traditional methods of advertising like pamphlets, TV and newspaper ads. Marketers who are always in tune with the change of marketing trends and technologies a...

/ai Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to manage robots in a financial services workplace

To make the most of robots, firms should consider them as part of their virtual workforce. When it comes to robots, sci-fi has a lot to answer for. Love them or hate them, they create a vision of a future world that divides opinion. From golden humanoids and vicious bipods with guns for eyes, to cute little helpers, robots appeal to some and frigh...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

MyData driven service development - what is it and what does it mean?

For quite some time it has been clear that data is the new oil (not the best term - as oil is consumed while data improves when used) and trust the new currency. The opportunities to improve services and productivity by new levels of AI are immense. But how the next phase should play out concretely and how soon has to many been shrouded in mystery...

/ai Digital Banking Trends

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