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1077 Results from 2016

Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

Is this the right time to create a maturity model for your Data Governance Division?

There is no one model fits all for maturity assessment. Maturity model is a powerful technique that can be leveraged by organizations to help assess themselves against external and internal benchmarks. If an executive starts reading a report, he might lose his interest in 15 minutes. Rather than having the stakeholders go through the complete repo...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A brave new world of online payments

The amount we spend online continues to rise as consumers take advantage of the convenience of digital channels. Yet, many shoppers put items in their online shopping cart only to abandon the purchase before completion. Last year, BI Intelligence estimated around $4 trillion worth of merchandise would be abandoned in online shopping carts. It’s a ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mastering the fourth industrial revolution

At last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, the official theme of the meeting was “mastering the fourth industrial revolution”, also known as Industry 4.0. Leading global thinkers have defined this as a new era in which increase of automation and agility will transform and disrupt business. According to a report featured in the Telegraph last y...

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

Predictions for the payments landscape in 2016

A year ago I published my predictions for the payments landscape in 2015 on my linkedin profile I will publish a summary on how they fared when more statistics are available for 2015, but in the meantime, here are listed my predictions for 2016. They are based on extrapolating observable trends and on pieci...


Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Getting MAD About Banking Culture and Market Abuse

Despite recently shelving its plans for a thematic review into the relationship between banking culture and market abuse – a decision that surprised many people in the market - the whole area of culture and accepted practices within the banking sector is still a key area of focus and concern for the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). Its 2015-201...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Nosey neighbours

Is MiFID II really going to force investment firms to pass around huge amounts of personal, identifiable information? Will competitors and counterparties learn way too much about your business? While many of these concerns may be overblown, there are some valid points to consider. The most obvious one relates to transaction reporting under RTS 22,...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Investment platforms must get back in the game

I recently read a thought provoking article by Klaus Schwab, called ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond’. At the beginning of the article Schwab describes the first three industrial revolutions, which I think we’re all fairly familiar with: 1784 – steam, water and mechanical production equipment 1870 – division of labo...

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

A Compliance Officer will go to Jail in 2016

Regulation, regulation, regulation. In the property market there is a saying: “location is everything.” In capital markets in 2016 the saying will be: “regulation is everything.” The backlash from risky derivatives, the credit crisis, crooked high frequency trading (HFT), murky dark pools, insider trading and money laundering over the past few yea...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Experimenting with distributed financial technologies

As many have said before, distributed financial technologies in the retail payment space feels like the Internet in the mid-90s with lots of potential and expectation but not a lot of action. And just as the experimenting led to powerful use cases then, we expect to see the same pattern repeat itself with distributed ledgers. To explore this oppor...


Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

Challenger Banks and their High Street rivals can learn from each other

We recently took part in a Financial Services event in London attended by the High Street banks we all know and some newer names to banking, notably Atom and Tandem. The presentations pointed out both the challenge facing Challenger Banks as well the competitive advantages ‘Old Guard’ banks need to jealously guard. The UK is awash with challenge...


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