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1077 Results from 2016

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Exchanges Seek Greater Autonomy

Exchanges are seeking greater profitability, and greater autonomy. No one begrudges them a profit. In the latest news on Bloomberg (Exchanges Object to Brokers Gaining More Stock-Market Oversight) this is demonstrated in the exchanges stating that "Only exchanges should be voting members on committees that govern..." Safety of our Mark...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Swaminathan Mahalingam

Swaminathan Mahalingam Enterprise Architect - EMEA at Fidelity Information Systems

Composable Banking Platform through Open Bank APIs

Composable Banking Platform through Open Bank APIs 1 Introduction Someone wrote that the next couple of decades will see as much innovation as in the last 500 years. The technological accomplishments hitherto unheard and unforeseen include adaptive software, social networking sites, smart spaces, knowledge societies and enterprise mobilit...


Saurabha Sahu

Saurabha Sahu Senior Solution Consultant at Wipro Limited

Distributed Ledger Maintenance on Cloud: Blockchain and Beyond

In continuation of my previous blog on Blockchain: Need of Future for Financial Industry, let us now try to understand one more path breaking revolution in the field of Accounting and Ledger maintenance. This will provide a better and efficient way of fund settlement between two parties domestically as well as internationally, where Foreign Curren...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Benjamin  Thorpe

Benjamin Thorpe Director at Glory

The cost of cash - for business, the environment and society.

Nothing in life is free – certainly not money. You can argue that all forms of payment have a cost associated with them in one way or another but unlike many of the new payment propositions out there, you still know where you stand with cash. The ever-increasing array of payment technologies on offer can easily lead to confusion for both the consum...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovation in KYC and Client On-Boarding..

The growth in FinTech businesses, with an increased focus on financial innovation, was bound to provide a fairly large impact to a nascent industry where data and the maintenance of such is a key area of the financial world. Primarily this innovative area has been driving change within the payments space of retail banking, but we are seeing this t...

/regulation /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Disruptive Innovation for Merchant Acquirers: The Story of Square, Amazon, and Chinese Steel

In 2010, Square was still the new kid on the block. With a model focused on micromerchant processors, you may have thought Square wasn't going after your market. If you cared about it at all, it was probably as an idle curiosity. After all, Square was just a fresh faced upstart in the neighborhood where you've been doing business for years. The pr...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Eight ways to secure your employees' mobile devices

Between half and three quarters of all employees have downloaded personal apps to company tablets and phones, according to surveys. At the same time, people are increasingly using use personal phones for work purposes like email, document-sharing and the list goes on. What does it all mean? Companies must take extra precautions to ensure that sens...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Taking a more enlightened, strategic approach to default management

Companies that view default management as merely a cost of doing business are missing significant upside opportunities to become more customer-centric and competitive. A recent assessment of a major bank found annual debt-related losses exceeded recoveries by a factor of 10 to one. Whether in banking or any other industry, taking a more enlightene...


Leon Rees

Leon Rees Principal at Markets Etc

Blockchain - Not The Only Game In Town

Let’s get this out of the way. Blockchain is great. I’m in no doubt, that every part of our financial services industry, one day, will be simpler and more efficient because of Blockchain. It’s also encouraging to see banks and institutions putting plenty of wood behind the Blockchain arrow. Finally, we are waking up to the idea that Rationalisation...

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Last week I was asked who is in charge ? Massive fines but sadly no order of command ! Recently exchanges have been seeking more autonomy , greater profitability and therefore greater power ................. THEY have now stated that "only exchanges should be voting members in committees !" The last decade exchanges have moved ...


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