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1077 Results from 2016

Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma CTO - FinTech Domain at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

PCRF the Liberator for Mobile Data Charging

Abstract – Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) not too old concept introduced in last quarter of year 2007 when standards for the 3GPP Policy Charging Control (PCC) architecture were published. According to the 3GPP standard architecture up to Release 9, a Charging System was not supposed to interact directly with a Policy Server. The Chargi...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Brexit blues

Interesting to read over the weekend that London's mayor Boris Johnson has decided to throw his charismatic and not inconsiderable weight behind the "NO" campaign. Most agree that this shifts the possibility of a Brexit from remote to now distinctly possible. I wonder, therefore, what this means for all the rules we are in the midst of i...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Don’t procrastinate with preservation

The deadline for MiFID II might be delayed, but financial organisations should be wary of putting off their plans to reinforce archiving of client communications. With every piece of litigation, the pressure on the preservation of communications data grows, but by tackling the issue and addressing some of the key areas now, firms will be in a bett...

/regulation MiFID

William Marle

William Marle Senior Consultant at Capco

What if your Apple Watch could talk to your bank?

Banks must refine and modernise their approach to data management to be effective in the era of the Quantified Self The world is undergoing a data revolution. We are in the midst of the Quantified Self and real time personal data and performance measurement. With smart devices we can now track our movements, monitor food intake and measure changes ...


Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

PSD 2 and XS2A Impact on the Banking Sector

The mother of all European Union banking regulations, Payment Services Directive (PSD), was adopted in its revised version – the so-called PSD2 – by the European Parliament last October. This updated Directive imposes new duties on banks in order to make the financial ecosystem more competitive, safe and secure; ultimately, better for consumers. ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The crucial data missing from online banking... and customers would love to know

When I log into my online banking, I always find two account balances: the one I see on the screen (duh) and the one I need to figure out in my head (ouf!). The worst part is, neither of them are accurate or satisfactory... “How much money do I have? I mean, really?” I'm asking when I log in. Keyword: really! As a user, what I want is to have my fi...

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

How Banks Can Increase In-Branch Sales

In his blog post titled The Power of Location-Based Offers in Financial Services, Jim Marous, Co-Publisher of The Financial Brand, highlights how banks can leverage the proliferation of smartphones to make location based offers for cross-selling of banking and other third-party products at their branches. Let’s say a bank implements LBOs and an ex...


Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys

Digital Maturity or Bank Maturity or Customer Maturity

The maturity of a bank's digital services depends on the breadth of offerings and their consumption by customers through digital channels. The number of transactions happening through self-service channels, proportion of transactions happening through digital platforms and their turnaround times, extent of automation and straight through processin...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

My EMV for a Week Challenge is DONE!

This week I worked with Gemalto, as part of Gemalto’s #ChipAwayAtFraud campaign. I was tasked with using my “chip” card when making a bunch of every day purchases like getting coffee and shopping. Gemalto, one of the world’s leaders in digital security, wanted a real-world take on the EMV card experience, which includes the security benefits EMV c...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

A Hard Look at Last Look in Foreign Exchange

The debate over ‘last look’ in foreign exchange trading has resurfaced in 2016 as regulators continue to eye the practice and investors worry about slippage and potential market abuse. Regulators are said to be scrutinizing FX dealing platforms that contain last look, a controversial practice that enables market makers to delay or reject trades fro...


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