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1077 Results from 2016

Chris Principe

Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.

2015 SIBOS, Final Thoughts

I know that many of you will be saying that SIBOS is long over and 2016 has begun with new opportunities. I do believe that there are some valuable take aways. Those of you who are SIBOS devotes, with more than a few SIBOS’s under your belt will recognize that there is a buzz word at each SIBOS event. In 2015, the word that was the theme or focus o...

/sibos Innovation in Financial Services

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MiFID II, pre-trade transparency and liquidity: the market may be in for a surprise, and this is why

There is the widespread assumption that MiFID II/R will lead to increased levels of pre-trade transparency and significantly reduce OTC trading, restricting it to the less liquid and more bespoke products. This assumption is driven in large part by the joint introduction of obligatory Market Making agreements, a stricter interpretation of Systemati...


Retired Member

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10 take outs on the Open Banking APIs Framework

The open banking framework was published a couple of weeks ago by the open banking working group. Here I share my 10 most salient take outs in 10 headings. If you want to know what the 148 pages of the document really cover, read through this summary. Before we start, I think they have done a tremendous job. It's an excellent document, the proposa...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

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Who would want to be the CEO of a major UK bank? Listening to Ross McEwan of RBS speak at a recent dinner, you could only imagine that he is looking forward to handing over the reins to the next masochist who puts his hand up. If it’s not capital adequacy, then its more rules and regulations. If it’s not operational footprint (“we employ a small...


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Germany and the UK show the way

The pixels were barely dry on my last blog post on the regulatory impact of a potential Brexit on the City of London, when news broke that LSE Group was in talks with Deutsche Börse over a "merger of equals". The LSE has done a great job under Xavier's stewardship of positioning itself for the practical realities of the industry today, w...


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Why Your Corporate Banking Clients Just Aren’t Feelin’ the Love

Here’s a scary statistic: 90% of big corporate banking clients would consider switching to a different financial institution for better service around onboarding, account maintenance, service requests and inquiry handling. Pega recently asked Finextra Research, a leading specialist in financial technology news and information, to conduct a survey o...


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Using real time data to meet rising expectations in the loan market

With margins down in the syndicated loan market, asset managers are seeking to operate as efficiently as possible. However, operational friction between front, middle and back office teams is a hurdle for most firms. A recent survey by Markit showed that exchanging data within the asset management enterprise continues to be the biggest operation...

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Industry Help Needed: Data Scientists

In looking at compliance officers (from the buy side, sell side, exchanges, and regulators) I saw only one person with a background in data science, machine learning, decision science, statistics or other data analysis discipline. Granted, my search was wholly unscientific. My college professors in Decision Science at Indiana University wou

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Can the cloud be trusted?

Most people have heard of storing information in “the cloud,” but do you know what this means, and if it is even safe? A cloud is basically a network of servers that offer different functions. Some of these servers allow you to store data while others provide various services. The cloud is made of millions of servers across the globe and most are o...


Retired Member

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Will the Internet of Things plug into Banks?

In 2014 the Internet of Things (IoT) landed at the top of Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies replacing big data on the throne. Today, we are witnessing a revolution where wearables, connected appliances, health-tracking devices are getting thousands of new users each day. The prediction is that by 2020 we will have 25 to 50 billion dev...


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