1205 Results from 2008
John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd
The demise and subsequent break up of Lehman Brothers will provide strong case study material for many MBA courses, for many years. There are several lessons to be learnt beyond the crucial role of customer confidence in business success. For example, there are the difficulties involved in splitting or decoupling the heavily centralised Lehman IT ...
30 November 2008 /regulation /wholesale MiFID
Retired Member
Last week saw the start of ramping up staff numbers at UK Financial Investments, the 'arms length' company the Government is setting up to manage the investments in RBS and the merged Lloyds group. It seems to me that the numbers involved amount to overkill - unless there are objectives to achieve that HMG are not saying... According to the Treas...
29 November 2008 /retail Transaction Banking
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
At least that's the view of Knowledge Technology Solutions (KTS) CEO Andrew Miller. KTS is soon to adopt the brand of its Sep. '07 acquisition, Arcontech, after closing its original market terminal subscription business. In the company's interim earnings statement today, he says: "The implementation date for the much discussed Markets in F...
28 November 2008 /wholesale MiFID
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
It has been said many times that only if banks come together and join force also with traditional service providers will we get a real take-up of e-invoicing. SWIFT has now published a report saying in essence that 28 out of 29 banks replying to questionnaire have already launched e-invoicing or plan to do so. Networking model naturally needed - t...
28 November 2008
Research from the University of Toronto has shown that women prefer to have a male boss. Stress levels increased when women employees had a female boss, as did depression, insomnia and headaches. The explanation given was that successful women find other women to be competition – and also that females see leadership as a male role. At womenintechn...
28 November 2008 Women in Technology
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
The Indian government has asked for live Twitter updates from Mumbai to cease immediately. "ALL LIVE UPDATES - PLEASE STOP TWEETING about #Mumbai police and military operations," a tweet says. At least, that's what the BBC's Mumbai Live Events page is reporting. The potential use of Twitter and other communications technologies by terror...
27 November 2008 Finance 2.0
Atso Andersen Head of Corporate Relations at Aalto University
I attended a Hindu wedding in New Delhi last week. Met a banker from Dubai and asked about real-estate. He said: leveraged, and massively. Leverage was the key word and I saw it. We are slaves of leverage, all of us christians, muslims, hindus, we are all dependent on leverage. Regard this in the context of co-ordinated rate cuts and regulatory re...
27 November 2008 /regulation
In well co-ordinated and well-planned attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai Islamic militants calling themselves the Deccan Mujahideen have killed many including the anti-trerrorism leader and taken hostages in three buildings including a Jewish hospice in South Mumbai. India's financial centre has been devastated by the attacks at hotels and other...
27 November 2008 Whatever...
Yesterday saw the ante being well and truly upped on this issue, with the Bank of England Governor weighing in and the Chancellor speaking forth too, issuing veiled threats aplenty. This smacks at a spot of scapegoating that does nothing much to help the real issues. For starters, why would it be a good idea to expand mortgage lending still furth...
26 November 2008 /retail Transaction Banking
Commenting on news and features We've made it quicker and easier to comment on the news. You still need to be a full community member to comment, but you now have a choice: Comments - quick and simple. Just type a sentence or two and you're done. Ideal if you're in a hurry and want to make a point Blog posts - if you want to expand on the topic an...
26 November 2008 Finextra site news
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