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Paul Penrose

Sibos sobers up

Sibos will never be the same again. In killing off its Thursday night party, Swift has moved with the prevailing mood music. Lavish, big budget entertainment is off the agenda as the financial service...

20 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

And Now the Rest of the Story

Given the amount of negative press swirling around the financial services industry--and in particular around the banking segment of the industry, it would be great if some of the banks who are not at ...

20 Mar 2009
Women in Technology
Keith Appleyard

A bad banker and a dishonourable man.

I thought the Fred Goodwin saga was over, but it seems to run and run, so I thought I'd put in my two-penn'th The old RBS Pension plan allowed staff to retire at 60 on two thirds of their final salary...

19 Mar 2009
Keith Appleyard

How to Punish the Bankers - in the good old days

From The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (as sent by Colin Knox to Private Eye) : "AD1125 In this year sent the King Henry, before Christmas, from Normandy to England, and bade that all the mint-men that w...

19 Mar 2009
Robert Siciliano

Study; 38 Percent of Euro IT Security Poor. Surprised?

Every week we learn of a new hack, another breach, credit cards stolen and another identity theft victim. Many have blamed the bad guy or criminal hackers for all the problems we have in the security

19 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

Is the card fraud profile changing?

The long awaited APACS fraud figures for 2008 show a predictable increase in fraud, pretty much across the board with the main increases in Counterfeit and Card-Not-Present. The APACS response to thi

19 Mar 2009
Paul Penrose

PCI compliance through the looking glass

This whole PCI DSS compliance thing is beginning to make my head hurt. Here, Visa chief enterprise risk officer Ellen Richey says: "PCI DSS remains an effective security tool when implemented pro...

19 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

The Next Big Thing - A Bank

I've been known to make some outrageous predictions about such things as how many (few) global banks there would be in a few years (last year) and the boring sort of stuff, like there is no security o...

19 Mar 2009
Futuristic Banking
A Finextra Member

Banking yoyo

Over the last few months we have all been aware of a number of different banks sacking people to reduce overheads but as they are actually unable to do without many of them, I have found that in a num...

19 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member


With a significant increase in the number of redundancies and the need for a productive workforce, flexible working is the last thing that employers should be thinking about, isn’t it? Well, according...

19 Mar 2009
Women in Technology
A Finextra Member

VISA expels Heartland and RBS Worlday from the world of PCI

In one report, RBS admitted that a hacker penetrated a server at their payment processing unit. No one has really provided the details as to how the wise-guys got a hold of the pin-codes. My theory i...

18 Mar 2009
Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
Robert Siciliano

My Brilliance Is Everywhere

I'm very smart. I'm in the news, I'm on TV, in print, I'm written about constantly in blogs and I'm very very famous. Every day people try to be me and some are very successful at it. I have many ma

18 Mar 2009

Now hiring