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20136 Results from 2015

Paula Hunter

Paula Hunter Executive Director at Mojaloop Foundation

Unlocking Fintech Opportunities: Leveraging Digital Public Goods for Inclusive Finance

In emerging economies, inclusive instant payment systems (IIPS) are spearheading a revolution. As these systems evolve, particularly in regions like Africa and Southeast Asia, they potentially represent a direct pathway for the $10 trillion informal economy – a potential fintech market – to participate in the digital financial sector. While IIPS i...

/payments /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Chris Lewis

Chris Lewis Head of Solutions at Synectics Solutions

The cultural hurdle AML must overcome to combat money mules

It's difficult to overstate just how large a problem money muling is. This notoriously elusive financial crime is an unrelenting stressor on banks and payment systems processors, and connected to $4.9 trillion worth of laundered money. Incredibly, this staggering figure is set to rise further. Is money muling evolving faster than we can react? The ...

/payments /crime Data sharing

Chiara Gelmini

Chiara Gelmini Industry Principal Director - Customer Risk & DD at Pegasystems

Navigating Client Onboarding and CDD/KYC Practices in Banking: What’s up in the Next 2 Years?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of banking, client onboarding and compliance practices have undergone significant transformations over the years. With the rise of digitalization, regulatory changes, and increasing cybersecurity threats, the banking industry has had to adapt and innovate to ensure efficient and secure processes. As we move along ...

Digital Banking Trends

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Does the popularity of crypto payments grow with BTC climbing over the price of over 70k?

The price of Bitcoin has risen sharply since the start of 2024, reigniting talks regarding the mainstream adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. As the main avenue of crypto adoption in mainstream businesses, online payments have been growing rapidly over the years. The fast and reliable nature of crypto transfers enables for seamless tra...

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Ten UX Design Trends in Digital Banking

Let's go beyond common digital banking trends and highlight the significant impact of design in the financial industry. In this article I review 10 UX design trends that are innovating digital financial products and reshaping principles of how financial interfaces are created and perceived by users. The focus is on driving innovation in banking to...

/people /retail Digital Banking Trends

Matthew Phillips

Matthew Phillips Head of Banking, UK and Ireland at Diebold Nixdorf

The now and next for payments innovation

Innovation is prevalent across all parts of the financial services industry and even more so within the payments eco-system. Last week I was pleased to take part in and present at the BPFI National Payments Conference 2024 in Dublin, exploring some of the most pressing trends right now. We can all recognise the growing complexity of the payments l...

/payments /retail

Ivo Gueorguiev

Ivo Gueorguiev Co-founder at Paynetics

Revolutionising Business Finance: The Rise of Mobile Virtual Cards

In the pursuit of efficiency and agility, businesses are turning away from outdated financial practices and embracing the digital era. With budgets tightening and market dynamics constantly evolving, the traditional methods of financial management just aren’t cutting it for many enterprises. However, a transformative solution has emerged: mobile v...


Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz Digital Marketer at AKS iQ

Why Detecting Trade based Money Laundering Matters?

Financial institutions protect the financial system and play a critical role in preventing money laundering, including the tough challenge of trade-based money laundering (TBML). In TBML, criminals exploit legitimate trade channels to conceal illegal money, thereby jeopardizing financial stability. Detecting and preventing TBML is crucial for main...

/regulation RegTech

Scott Dawson

Scott Dawson CEO at DECTA

How Regulation Can Supercharge Your Business

We all rely on the world that regulation creates – yet we groan at the mere mention of the dreaded ‘red tape’. With each new evolution in payments regulations, like the introduction of PSD2, we see a slew of doom-mongering articles on how it will negatively impact the industry, its stakeholders, potentially cause friction in the payments process,...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Siamac Rezaiezadeh

Siamac Rezaiezadeh VP Product Marketing and Insights at GoCardless

Direct Debit is having a moment - but don’t call it a comeback

Last week, when guest speaking on a webinar, I was posed with the question, “Direct Debit has been around for a while, but we’re seeing new uptake and new popularity. So, why is it making a comeback now?” Let’s start with this - Direct Debit has been here for years, so I don't call it a comeback. I would argue that Direct Debit has been consistent ...

/payments /cloud Digital Banking

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