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1013 Results from 2011

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Do you have bloatware or Compliance-as-a-Service?

Key to any financial institution is the identification and management of risk. IT compliance certainly fits inside this category, where the implementation of controls to meet compliance also has an awful lot to do with common sense and best security practice. Financial institutions need to keep information confidential and protect the assets of...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

And the good news is.....

Feels like it’s a pretty tough time to be in global banking right now. If it’s not falling volumes then it’s layoffs or, worse still, actors like Bill Nighy bleating on about the need for a Robin Hood tax hitting the headlines. And on both sides of the Atlantic we have regulators that seem oblivious to the damage they leave in their wake as they ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

For-bearance or against it?

So what actually are the FSA after then? Do they want firms to treat their ‘customers fairly’ when in times of temporary financial shortages, or do they want lenders and administrators to be more transparent to them when reporting residential mortgage arrears and shortfall figures? Read between the lines of the FSA’s latest guidance paper on ‘Fo...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Managing the 'Big' in Big Data

My first post on the topic of “Big Data” discussed the context of the "four Vs" of Big Data in financial services: Volume, Velocity, Variety & Value. With the latest developments in the European debt crisis – including credit rating downgrades in key ‘AAA’ nations – echoing across the Eurozone and to the United States, the importance...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Should we blame technology for the current crisis?

“Beware of the geeks bearing formulas” said Warren Buffett. Although aimed at quants and their complex financial models, sometimes I feel this statement is as equally as applicable to members of the IT community like myself who are tasked with helping make such complexities reality. This year, my colleagues and I have had many a discussion on tec...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Wanted: CEO for UK Retail Bank

With the news that the RBS Retail Bank CEO, Brian Hartzer is to return to his native Australia to take up a similar role with Westpac and to be groomed as Gail Kelly's replacement, he is but just one more executive to leave UK Retail Banking. He follows Deanne Oppenheimer (Barclays returning to her native Seattle), Helen Weir (Lloyds Banking Group...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A plan for euro replacement

As the politicians in the Eurozone appear incapable of coming up with a rescue plan or any plan to implement an orderly retreat I have been thinking of what might happen. So far the politicians’ only idea, has been to flood money into whatever country is teetering on the edge, in the hope of buying enough time to resolve the cause of the illness, c...

Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cyber Monday Kicks off Holiday Shopping Season

The first Monday following the US Thanksgiving holiday has become known as “Cyber Monday”; a day in which online retailers promote heavy discounts on merchandise to kick off the holiday shopping season. Cyberspace will be reeling with special offers enticing consumers to buy their products or services and get a jump start on the countdown to Christ...

/security /regulation

Richard Collinson

Richard Collinson CEO & Co-Founder of at

As We Live Longer So Too Must Our Finances

People are living longer, an undisputed fact that could be considered a breakthrough were it not for the serious financial consequences it has in today’s economic climate. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics reveals the average life expectancy for UK men and women rose again by four months to 78.2 and 82.3 years respectively ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The need for data theft deterrents

This case is just the latest example of how “trusted insiders” can pose a risk to an organisation’s data security defences and how they continue to by-pass them altogether, only to get found out when it’s too late. It highlights that while most organisations have invested heavily in securing their systems from “external” threats, there has been pr...

/security /regulation

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