1205 Results from 2008
Retired Member
A few weeks ago, I finally got around to reading the cover story, Bitter Medicine in the latest issue of Trade Finance. Wrapped in some truly nice metaphors involving the Wild West and Casinos, the author delves into the sickness that has infected the financial services industry and the medicines that world governments will be applying shortly to ...
08 December 2008 Women in Technology
Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional
The burgeoning financial crisis is throwing up some unique offerings to consumers. Consumers now have more options - both for products and methods of purchase. This festive season, if you don't relish using your credit card and walking away with the goods immediately, you can get back to good old 'thrift' - where you squirrel up your savings and pa...
08 December 2008 /payments
For all you organised people out there, who have bought their 2009 diaries already, take note: on Tuesday 3rd February, womenintechnology.co.uk and the British Computer Society are holding W-Tech 2009, the first event of its kind for female technologists in the UK. W-Tech is a free event open to women working at any level in IT or who are interest...
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
The Washington Post's Security Fix blog has dug a little deeper into the attack on CheckFree's bill payment Website last week. CheckFree has admitted that hackers had, for several hours, redirected visitors to its customer login page to a Web site in Ukraine that tried to install password-stealing software. But the company has said little else abo...
08 December 2008 /security /retail
Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee
I know it's boring if I begin every post with a regret that I haven't had much time to blog, but it's true and it's why the posting frequency has dropped so much. The news these past few weeks has been particularly gloomy, so I thought I'd look for something more cheery than most of the economic reporting. The first story that caught my eye was &...
08 December 2008 /retail
As requested by the community, we're now providing an individual RSS feed for every Finextra community member. All you need do is post a blog item and you'll see an RSS logo appears on your postings. No effort required!
08 December 2008 Finextra site news
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
Over the weekend the number of deals on eBay hit record highs and this was followed by news that online spending has increased by 77% on previous records. All this is furthering the view that High Street stores may be becoming a thing of the past. The economic downturn has already been driving nails in the coffin of many stores and as the buying pu...
08 December 2008 EBAday
One hopes that the MPC has considered fully what will be the consequences of the rate cut. Presumably, they think that this cut will help get the economy moving by encouraging people to spend. I'm not so sure, however. Yes, it will help in terms of reducing interest costs for business (assuming the cut gets passed on. Remember that for some comp...
05 December 2008 /retail Transaction Banking
Stephen Wilson Managing Director at Lockstep Consulting
The real issue in the new crop of hybrid cards that combine Chip & PIN with One Time Password generators is whether they represent a long term strategic advance, or are more about shorter term convenience. Convenience is important, but we need to have a long term plan. Do the hybrids do anything more than do away with a key fob, by integrati...
05 December 2008
One of the phrases that bugs me at the moment is 'hard working families'. Gordon Brown uses the phrase often, usually to preface an announcement of what he's going to do to 'help them'. I think I'm right in thinking that I've heard other parties use the same phrase. This suggests to me that those who aren't 'hard working' aren't worthy of suppo...
04 December 2008 /retail Transaction Banking
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