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961 Results from 2012

Retired Member

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Mobility, where are you headed?

Mobility, as a concept, has captured the collective imagination of the tech savvy populace. CEOs and CTOs wax eloquent on their grandiose plans in this domain. A lot has been written about NFC device use, smart kiosks, mobile banking etc., projecting these as the next big thing in mobile and banking technology. However, I feel the ground reality ...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

10 Secure Online Holiday Shopping Tips

Holiday shopping is easy, convenient and it can be secure too. Here are 10 tips to a secure online shopping experience during the holiday season: Avoid spoofed websites. Common sense says any time you receive an offer via an e-mail automatically be suspicious. The same goes with offers via tweets and messages received in any social media site. Don’...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Debate on shorter settlement cycles

I recently had the pleasure of being joined by a panel of clearing and settlement experts to discuss the impending move to a T+2 settlement cycle in Europe, as proposed in the European Commission’s regulation for central security depositories and for improving settlement efficiency (CSDR). After years of discussion around the shortening of set...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Increasing Efficiency in Mortgage Sales

Twenty odd years ago when I started working in the mortgage industry, space for paper files was nearly as important as disk space to store mortgage applications. The industry has of course moved on since then, but often behind the technology curve and a little grudgingly. Initially computer sales channels were little more than an electronic versio...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Decision Automation: A Simple Puzzle That Can Teach Us A Lot

In this article, we want to illustrate the importance of augmenting automated decisioning and business intelligence systems with human intelligence. Here’s a simple logic puzzle for starters. Please look at the picture at the page bottom. There are four cards lying on a table in the way pictured below. Identify which card(s) you would flip in order...

/regulation /retail Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

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How to participate in a CCP

Financial institutions can participate in a central counterparty (CCP) in two ways — either as a direct or an indirect clearing member. To become a direct CCP clearing member, firms need to meet the criteria set by the CCP. Typical requirements include: Having sufficient capital (e.g., core capital) Making contributions to the default fund (also c...

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

CTS-2010: Cheque Truncation Or Contract Termination System?

There has been a spate of ads and announcements over the last 3-4 weeks by banks in India about the introduction of the new Cheque Truncation System, CTS-2010, from the new year. For the uninitiated, CTS transforms cheque clearing from a paper-intensive to a digital process whereby only images of cheques move between the payer bank, payee bank a...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

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Digital banking solutions: once a convenience, now essential

Digital solutions have changed the way we work and live our everyday lives. For example, 10 years ago, it would have been unimaginable to be able to access all of your professional documents from anywhere else than the office. Today it is possible to work as you would at your desk at work from even the most remotest of locations, as long as you ha...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Just how private is that conversation?

I’m not sure how practical it is for Lord McAlpine to sue 10,000 Twitter users, but it does serve as a very clear reminder that comments made over a public forum do have repercussions. Something many employees forget. Social has given people a forum to vent their opinions and feelings without thinking of the consequences. Instead of waiting till th...

/security /regulation Social Banks

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is it really that Simple?

Banksimple, a website whose name says it all. Now renamed All part of the value proposition of making banking simple, I guess. For the benefit of those who are not yet familiar with, it’s a cool front-end service that simplifies banking for customers. It connects with them through social media and eases money management. Whi...

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