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961 Results from 2012

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Changing role of the CIO

There’s been a lot of debate around the changing role of the CIO in the press, and particularly in financial services. But we must take into consideration that, in the rapidly-evolving world of technology, you have to move with the times. There’s simply no escaping it. It’s true that some CEOs haven’t necessarily caught up with the many changes...


Jonathan Almeida

Jonathan Almeida COO at AML Partners

Paperless :CIP FATCA: is it time?

It’s December 2012 and getting ever closer to that dreaded date…. No, not the Mayan-calendar ending, but rather the time when ever-increasing due-diligence requirements—BSA/AML, Dodd-Frank, FATCA, and constantly changing implementation rules for these laws—make it impossible to manage without a comprehensive system. This is a fact made all the mor...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Does the future of banking depend on CRM?

At SIBOS earlier this year, sales force automation (SFA) was a recurring issue, as banks are finding themselves under increasing pressure to improve customer service interactions whilst remaining cost efficient. While discussing these challenges, it became clear that SFA is going to play a much bigger role in the future of banking and how banks a...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

iPhone 5S and NFC

NFC World ran an article on 5S "likely" to have NFC, citing investment bank Jefferies who said that "based on our checks, likely updates include a new super HD camera/screen, a better battery, and NFC." I wonder what those "checks" were... Supply chain inventory? Design drawings? Or details of Apple's commercial model...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Automotive Telematics Reduces Car Insurance Fraud

How Automotive Telematics Reduces Insurance Fraud? We all know that are car insurance is going up because of whiplash cases, bad driving by a certain age group and EU law but how can we push back and make it more difficult for motorists to do a fraudulent claim and secondly reduce insurance for good driving whether you are male or female? One of t...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Time for review: mortgage sales practices

The FSA’s mortgage market review guidelines pose a number of issues for retail banks in the UK, and are set to have significant impact on the way mortgages are bought and sold here. Although new regulations can often add additional pressures within the industry, anything that can reduce liabilities without imposing onerous costs ought to be welcom...

/regulation /retail

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Many Shades of Grey in Data

For those in the know, data contributions are an on-going problem for the integrity of financial markets. The subject surfaced this year with the Libor scandal, which despite moving off the front pages is still very much an open issue, without a solution. Whilst Libor grabbed the headlines, it is by no means the only benchmark that has a dubious s...

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Un'der'banked don't need banks anymore

Traditionally, if you wanted to move money around, save cash, pay a bill, purchase something at a store, or otherwise have some sort of systemic access to your cash as you moved around - you needed a “bank”. In fact, you couldn't do any of these things in the past without a bank. Despite the fact you might have opted to just use cash and stay 'off...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

Why has Eurograbber been able to do the damage it has?

Eurograbber, a Trojan that transfers itself from a user’s PC to their mobile phone has come to light, reportedly having so far defrauded banking customers out of over €36m. The simple reason for this is that many banks are reliant on SMS as a means of authenticating the user and hence authorising online transactions. Because Trojans such as Eurogr...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

FATCA - the best opportunity for KYX!

Having attended the FATCA Forum event in London two weeks ago, one word kept cropping up time and time again in relation to FATCA – not from vendors (surprisingly enough) but from compliance and tax experts from leading financial institutions. And that word was… opportunity. An unusual choice of word to associate with a piece of regulation that is...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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