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1246 Results from 2014

Lu Zurawski

Lu Zurawski founder, iKnowMe at Lu Zurawski

I predict that payment predictions will be wrong

Having read many over-ambitious “Next year will be the year of X” statements, I avoid prediction precision myself. The game of replacing “X” with this year’s, nearly-there technology, and caveating the prediction formula with a few extra parameters is fun, but not risk free. As the Danish quantum physicist Nils Bohr said, “Prediction is very di...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Social Media Identity Theft leads to Arrest

Are you one who believes you’re too smart, too savvy, to get your identity stolen in the social media world? Nobody thinks this will happen to them, and Stephanie Francis, 24, was no exception to that way of thinking. A report from that the Jacksonville, Florida woman claims her identity was stolen—on social media of all places...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

AIFMD: Big challenges and big opportunities for custodians

I was asked recently which regulation I think is having the biggest impact on custodian banks in Europe. Many people would point to the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) or Basel III and the Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV). There is no doubt that a lot of organizations are finding it complex and costly to comply with thes...

/regulation /wholesale

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

How To Lie With Big Data

Darrell Huff's classic How To Lie With Statistics is as relevant today as it was when it was published 60 years ago. Probably even more relevant now because, as more data has been generated in the last three years than in the entire history of mankind, there's so much more raw material for lying now than ever before. Whether it's statistics or big...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Slave to a label?

ESMA has just published a report on high-frequency trading (HFT) activity in EU equity markets. It’s good to see the regulator producing an empirical study on such a hotly-debated and emotive topic. Taking a sample of European stocks, and applying two possible definitions of HFT, ESMA estimates that between 24% and 43% of value traded is done by H...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Card Company's boosting Payment Security with Mobile

Whoever thought that one day, paying with green paper would be viewed as primitive as a horse and buggy? We seem to be getting closer to that time, especially since the security of making payments via smartphone is always being improved. One way is with fingerprint scanning. Some smartphones already have this biometric feature. But what about cre...


Mark McMurtrie

Mark McMurtrie Independent Consultant at Payments Consultancy Limited

UK Retail Payments sector:2014 review and 2015 predictions

2014 saw contactless payment come of age and many new ideas pitched to retail. Some payments innovations have excited but some have disappointed. Mark McMurtrie has his say. What changes have impacted the payments sector this year, and what is there to come in 2015? Consumers are increasing their love affair with eCommerce and making a record numb...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Was 2014 a watershed year for alternative funding in the UK?

The terms ‘challenger bank’ and ‘alternative funding’ were virtually unheard of before 2007. However, in recent years they have started to receive considerable attention, and their importance & influence on today’s financial landscape is undeniable. So, what has happened to raise the profile of this ‘new’ market? Well, quite a lot really. In 2...

Abhishek Chatterjee

Abhishek Chatterjee Managing Partner at Gartner Inc.

Digital Vendor Simplification - Innovate to win Big

Today's customer expects a uniform and relevant customer experience across channels. Nowadays it is common for a customer to traverse through multiple channels to complete a transaction. For instance, a typical banking customer starts his/ her journey at the branch, moves on to the web to initiate a process, tracks the status on mobile, accesses c...

Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

My Favorite Financial Services Precedents for 2015

Over the past year I've been lucky enough to work on some fantastic new financial services propositions in the UK and USA. Some have launched this year and some will launch in the coming months. During the course of this work, I've come across a range of exciting trends and precedents we'll be seeing much more of throughout 2015. Neo Banks 53% of m...

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