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477 Results from 2007

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Changes to site - comments on blogs

It's encouraging to see folk posting in greater numbers up here with some interesting topics. In order to give a more accurate impression of how the interaction is going, we've changed the way comments are counted. From now on - any comments you make on your own blog aren't included in the total. Thus when you're scanning the listings - you'll be ...

Finextra site news

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Prepaid or deposits?

If a bank like A & L offers on one hand deposit accounts and on the other hand prepaid accounts - where does the regulator draw the line between the two fundamentally different services? How does the bank know who holds the prepaid account it the card and account is handed over as a gift to somebody else than the original purscaser? Are the pr...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Facebook and the Financial Analyst

Investing has evolved into a highly social activity, as evidenced by the countless chatrooms, blogs, and message boards populating the Internet. With the Facebook Platform API now available we would expect to see a rash of applications for investment analysis and portfolio management. By incorporating Amazon S3 or Rackspace for data storage, a sc...

Trends in Financial Services

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Sophisticated hackers target corporate bank accounts

According to this article yesterday on Computerworld a sophisticated crew of German speaking hackers have conducted a data mining exercise with a difference. They've trolled through the account details generated by a generic widespread trojan to identify corporate and offshore bank accounts, and have then targeted individual banks and corporate cu...

/security Information Security

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

NYSE Euronext's single global e-trading platform

I had an interesting conversation today with Steve Rubinow, CTO of NYSE Euronext. Just over a year after the third phase of NYSE’s Hybrid trading system went live, heralding the massive shift away from the floor and specialist trading, HP’s PR people contacted me this week with an announcement that the Hybrid system is running on HP Non-stop and bl...

/wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What's the oddest location for a bank machine you've seen?

If you take a look at these photos of Tate Modern you'll notice the flooring in the Turbine Hall is in a shocking state. They should get that fixed. But wait - look at the photo on the top right - what's that lurking by the wall? It's an Alliance and Leicester bank machine. Not what I'd call art. They could have at least cut it in half and glued ...

/retail Whatever...

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

What is the future for Retail Branch Banking..?

I’m not going to comment on the content of Chris’ and Michael’s blogs, but do look forward to the “event” that may bring them together into the public arena in February – I hear Sky Box Office has had strong demand for pre-ticket sales! :-) And I may be partly to blame for stoking the flames with a previous blog (To IP, or Not To IP..?) that could ...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Beijing's Attack on the U.K.

Recent revelations of China's state-sponsored cyber attacks on U.K. financial institutions underscores that strategic financial power is high on Beijing's list of priorities. Moreover, these attacks are consistent with "Unrestricted Warfare," a white paper published in 1999 by two PLA Air Force colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, in ...

Information Security

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Sell - Web 2.0 is here

I chanced to see a seemingly innocuous news item on PayPal launching a Beta version of its Store Widget- I am not sure if the Cards and Payments industry is cognizant of the potential implications of the success of this offering! Ok, how does an online store operate today (I am including the likes of EBay)? Th...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why would I need to go into a bank?

A lot of talk about branches and so on of late so I thought I'd wade in (knowing absolutely nothing on the topic) as a mere user. My parents switched to First Direct a few years ago when their bank abandoned their town and moved out. Since then they have done most things over the phone. I have been trying to persuade them to try online banking bu...


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