1270 Results from 2013
Retired Member
My working week usually takes me to 2-3 different countries, and during the course of each day I am fortunate enough to meet with the senior business and technology leaders of Buy & Sell side firms in Europe and Scandinavia. A well discussed theme in the industry is the response to market reform. The need to respond to the ever changing regulat...
31 October 2013 /regulation
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published the responses received to its discussion paper aimed at developing regulatory technical standards relating to the obligation to centrally clear over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives under the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR). 41 responses are published including 9 fro...
31 October 2013 Financial Services Regulation
Between risk management, regulation and compliance, innovation in banking is essentially an iterated combination of the possible, the practical and the permissible. But then those are the ground rules. And yet 'Culture' trumped 'Regulation' in a bankers' list of the biggest barriers to innovation compiled by the Efma-Infosys Innovation in Retail ...
31 October 2013
Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.
Trick or Trade ! Halloween is really one of my favorite times of year, with the kids in costume and the free chocolate, what's not to like. Thinking and planning this morning the strategy for this evenings Trick or Treat rounds, it dawned on me who in our industry is playing Trick or Trade? So, with a little help from my friendly Zombies and Teenw...
31 October 2013 Innovation in Financial Services
I was on the phone with two Fortune 500 companies yesterday to discuss Latin America electronic invoicing. And as I often am, was shocked that they had taken no steps toward implementing Mexico CFDI invoicing either on the outbound side nor on the inbound supplier side. In our conversations with the accounts payable team, the inbound Buyer side ...
31 October 2013 /regulation Electronic invoicing
Richard Chapman Head of Strategy at SunGard
To misquote a well-worn proverb, the road to inefficiency is paved with good intentions. This seems to be the case, at least, for many reconciliation teams, which are failing to follow up on their well-laid plans to optimize and capitalize on opportunities within their reconciliations inventory. Building an inventory of global reconciliation ac
Penny Hembrow Global Lead, Financial Services at CGI
Outsourcing was once vaunted as the golden ticket to reducing costs. The reality has been somewhat different. Application complexity, siloed architectures, poor data management and bad business processes were just being passed on. What resulted was wage arbitrage and less overhead costs, however it leaves behind complexity, silo based application...
31 October 2013 /wholesale
A chat with Hugues Thiebeauld, UK Security Lab. Manager at UL Security Technologies, on specificity of Certifications for New Payment “With the success of new technology in the payments space largely dependent on wide-spread adoption by banks, retailers and consumers, developing certifications for these products is vital. Why? Because there is a ...
31 October 2013 /security /payments
When it comes to customer loyalty, banks have long held a privileged position. Whether it's the difficulty of navigating a raft of red tape, an inability to separate the offering from the vast array of different providers, or simply a feeling of contentment with the service offered – for most of us changing bank is a rarity. The old adage that an ...
31 October 2013 /retail
Putting Out vs Putting In The ideas of Putting Out Software versus Putting In Software are two radically different approaches and goals. Especially for financial software; the difference is the banks internal needs to the software vendor's external goals. So let me be clear; Bankers Put Software IN and Vendors Put Software OUT, got it. There is a m...
30 October 2013 /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services
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