1270 Results from 2013
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Isis Mobile Wallet allows you to make purchases with your phone—a technology that just went live. Just wave your Isis-compatible smartphone at select cash registers to buy soda or taxi service, via Isis’s near-field communication technology. (iPhone compatibility with NFC will come later on.) Incentives Customers of Isis Mobile Wallet can use My C...
22 December 2013 /security
Retired Member
Will the EMV technology based payments be rolled out in the US in the next couple of years? I do not know for sure, but I hope they will and strongly believe that they should. There is clear push by the major payment schemes wrt so called 'liability shift'. Today card issuers are bearing the costs of the card fraud in the US. Liability shift will ...
21 December 2013 /payments
Ever thought of who’d get your assets should you meet an untimely death, or even if you’re 99 and sensing that the time to check out is very soon? You may know whom you want to receive your assets, but do you know for sure that they actually will? After all, policyholders are not required to find out if the benefactor is deceased; they are only res...
21 December 2013 /security
Let the fun and games begin. On December 20th SWIFT published the SR2014 User Handbook containing the gory details of all the changes that will take effect next November. http://www.swift.com/products_services/by_type/standards/standards_mt_maint_rel_2014 As promised in my earlier post, here are a few things to think about: I recommend an initia...
20 December 2013 Standards Forum
2013 has been a pivotal year in the mortgage market – final rules for MMR, new regulatory bodies with the PRA and FCA, house sales and mortgage sales starting to rise, a new Governor of the Bank of England, controversial government initiatives and as the year ends, the EU Directive vote is passed and brings more work for lenders and regulators in ...
20 December 2013 /regulation Financial Services Regulation
Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets
It seems there’s to be no early MiFID II Christmas present as agreement on the Level 1 text slips into 2014. Publication of the final text is now hotly anticipated to be in January or February next year at the latest, to avoid running into the European parliamentary elections in May. Thereafter, as ESMA gets to grips with the tasks ahead, 2014 wi...
20 December 2013 /regulation
Whatever the truth of the Tomlinson report - and we will know once the chancellor and the bank have finished their respective reviews of it - Tomlinson does raise at least one point which it is hard to argue with. That is his assertion that the lack of competition in small business banking is as toxic, if not more so, than the lack of competition ...
19 December 2013 /retail
Numbers, costs and product comparisons alone do not make for the wisest choice. It's the warm and fuzzy stuff that sets a provider apart from the herd, but prospects don't like to admit that. Here are the warm and fuzzies: 1. Hard evidence of banking knowledge and expertise that is deliverable in the form of recommended business practices acc
19 December 2013
It’s that time of year when predictions on what will be the biggest trends for the New Year start rolling in. In the spirit of the holiday season, leading analyst firm Ovum has revealed a new study that forecasts what’s in store for the financial markets in 2014. According to the analyst house’s latest research, 2014 “will be a year of foundationa...
19 December 2013 /sibos
…Are We Guilty of Blowing Smoke? In my last blog I talked about recent increases in lending being a good thing, as long as lending policies remain prudent and conservative. Now, I want to look at transforming the low risk = low growth challenge. For me, a big part of this is about making real what our customers actually believe is true right now. ...
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